

猶太人建國紀念日發生襲擊事件,造成3人死亡後,以色列警方周五早些時候,在特拉維夫大區進行追捕行動。據相當於以色列紅十字會的Magen David Adom(MDA)稱,警方呼籲公眾提供有關襲擊者下落的信息,並公布了涉嫌實施襲擊的兩名巴勒斯坦人的照片和姓名,這次襲擊還導致四人受傷,其中三人傷勢嚴重。

2022年4月20日星期三,巴勒斯坦人看着以色列安全部隊在耶路撒冷舊城外的大馬士革門附近巡邏。 AP - Mahmoud Illean


Palestinians watch as Israeli security forces patrol near Damascus Gate, just outside Jerusalem's Old City, Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Police prevented hundreds of ultra-nationalist Israelis from marching around predominantly Palestinian areas of Jerusalem's Old City. The event planned for Wednesday was similar to one that served as one of the triggers of last year's Israel-Gaza war. Tensions have soared in recent days following clashes at a major Jerusalem holy site sacred to Jews and Muslims. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)
Palestinians watch as Israeli security forces patrol near Damascus Gate, just outside Jerusalem's Old City, Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Police prevented hundreds of ultra-nationalist Israelis from marching around predominantly Palestinian areas of Jerusalem's Old City. The event planned for Wednesday was similar to one that served as one of the triggers of last year's Israel-Gaza war. Tensions have soared in recent days following clashes at a major Jerusalem holy site sacred to Jews and Muslims. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean) AP - Mahmoud Illean
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